A Unit of India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (Govt. Of India Undertaking)
Refer to e-tender notice publishing dtd. 18/02/2022 for annual rate contract for the supply/services of the following items as under. The said e-tender has been extended upto 29 March 2022 3:00 PM
Sl No | Tender | Tender Value |
1 | Mutton | 12,77,573.00 |
2 | Fish & Prawn | 6,30,520.00 |
3 | Vegetable & Fruits | 7,45,180.00 |
4 | Vehicle services | 2,75,880.00 |
5 | Paneer & Sweets | 7,11,043.00 |
Tender Announcement Date : 18.02.2022
Last date of submission of e-bid : 29th March 2022 up to 15:00 Hrs
For more details please visit :
http://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app, www.hotelkalingaashok.com
Contact:- I/C(MMD): Ph:0674-2431055-58/2432056, Extension-409.