A Unit of India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (Govt. Of India Undertaking)

Hotel   kalinga   Ashok,  Bhubaneswar  invites  online  e-tender  for  the annual ratecontract for the supply/services of the following items as under:-

SL No Tender Tender Value
1 Miscellaneous items 5,69,300.00
2 Provision items 21,40,800.00
3 Fish & Prawn 4,11,800.00
4 Mutton 11,36,000.00
5 Chicken & Eggs 7,20,600.00
6 Panner & Sweets 5,50,300.00
7 Vegetable & Fruits 10,88,300.00
8 Manpower 67,50,000.00
9 Horticulture & Garden Maintenance  4,70,800.00
1.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Miscellaneous items at Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
2.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Provision items at Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
3.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Fish & Prawn to Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
4.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Mutton to Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
5.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Chicken & Eggs to Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
6.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Paneer and Sweet items at Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
7.Online e-tender for the Annual rate contract for the Supply of Fruit and Vegetables to Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
8.Online e-tender for engagement of contractor for the Annual job contract at Hotel kalinga Ashok Bhubaneswar
9.Title of the tender: E-Tender of Annual Maintenance Contract for HORTICULTURE WORK (Garden maintenance & Landscaping work ) at Hotel Kalinga Ashok, Bhubaneswar

Last date of submission of e-bid 25 Feb 2019 up to 03:00 Hrs

Pre bid meeting date:    06.02.2019 (14:00 to 16:00 Hrs) at Hotel Kalinga Ashok, Bhubaneswar.

For more details pls visit :,www. /

Contact:- I/C(MMD): Ph:0674-2431055-58/2432056, Extension-409.